The Pastor’s Study

Commitment Plus Affection

We read in the Old Testament that; Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.   Ezra 7:10  NIV

We often use a familiar phrase about, “having our daily devotions.” I’m not sure when and where the term devotions was first used to describe our periods of Bible study and prayer? However, its use is in fact very appropriate… the definition for the word “devotion” means “to have earnest affection for someone or a specific cause.”  The word devotion far better describes our time spent studying the Word of God and our time in prayer, than the word commitment. You see, we can be committed to a cause out of pure and simple duty. However, I think David Jeremiah described it best when he said; “to be devoted implies commitment plus affection.”  

If our goal is and it certainly should be; to be devoted to the studying of God’s Word. It will help to have the right tools; primarily having a Bible; and for certain a great study Bible will prove indispensable, lots of Christians keep a journal or notebook to record their thoughts  and notes of what they glean from Scripture. A concordance can be a great help when it comes to the study of individual words; how they’re used, where they’re used, and that is huge when it comes to a greater understanding of God’s  Holy Word. A good commentary or two from trusted sources can always shed helpful light on passages that are difficult to grasp. Then time spent in meditation with our Lord will prove indispensable.

As our children are putting on their backpacks and going to school to learn, we too as Christians need to grab our backpacks and head to the school of devotion Bible study … remembering that devotion means, “commitment plus affection.” 

Through the love of Christ,

Pastor Chris