Mission Opportunities

Grandview’s Operation Christmas Child 


Thank you for your support of this special ministry, Operation Christmas Child!  Many of these gifts are specially filled to go to hard to reach and sensitive areas.  Every shoebox gift provides children in every nation, tribe, and language to the ends of the earth the opportunity to receive the Greatest Gift ever given–Jesus Christ.  Building one shoebox at a time,  one child at a time!













Appalachian Christmas Backpack Ministry

This Christmas Backpack Ministry for Appalachia is one of the largest ministry needs in this area occurs around the Christmas holidays. Churches statewide are responding to this need through Appalachian Christmas Outreach as are we here at Grandview Baptist. Grandview’s goal is to collect 72 gift filled backpacks to be distributed to Appalachian children in areas of need in late November and December. Four honorary members of our Missions Team graciously delivered the backpacks to the distribution center in Morristown. Thank you Grandview Baptist for for giving so freely to this worthy mission.






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