
In Proverbs 29:18 we find, “where there is no vision, the people perish.”   A few people in the community saw the need and had a vision of a Missionary Baptist Church at this site years before the vision became a reality.

On December 29, 1940, a small group of people with great faith met in the Union School House to organize a church.  The association missionary C. D. Martin was elected acting chairman and Rev. W. F. Hall, acting clerk.  An inspiring message was brought by Rev. John O. Hood.  His text was found in Matthew 16:18 and read, “…and I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”  After this message, reasons for the organization of a Baptist church were given by Albert Morris, Mrs. Lillian B. Steele and Charles Lowe.  Initially there were 16 members that came into the church by letter and 7 presented themselves for baptism.  A motion was made and accepted that the church be named Grandview.

During the first year a building lot was purchased, a basement dug and the church called its first pastor, Rev. W. F. Hall.  Their vision had become a reality.

In 1942, after holding services in Union School for two years, the first worship service was held in the new sanctuary.  A piano, pews and furnace were purchased during that year.  By 1945 the church was debt free and plans were made for a pastorium.  However, on December 16, 1945, the church building was completely destroyed by fire.  First the group met in White’s store building and when it was sold returned again to Union School.  Less than two and a half years later, on March 7, 1948, the congregation moved into the rebuilt facility.

Early in 1953, the members visioned a pastorium on the newly acquired two acres of land adjoining the church property.  The first pastorium was completed in the spring of 1955 Improvements to the church building continued as well.  The membership continued to grow.

In December of 1976, the church voted to purchase a lot in the Oaklawn Subdivision to again build a new pastorium.  The home was finished and ready to move into by January, 1978 and is still very beautiful and in use today.

August 1, 1990 the church celebrated 50 years of service to the Lord and His kingdom.  The charter members were remembered and those in the service were recognized.  Many of the former pastors and music ministers were privileged to participate in the day’s activities.  The Tennessee Baptist Convention presented a lovely plaque in honor of the occasion.  In the evening service a reenactment of the original service in which Grandview was officially constituted as a church was presented.  It was a day of wonderful memories, old and new.

Although this history related mainly to the physical story of the buildings which have borne the name “Grandview Baptist Church,” it does not tell of the hundreds of persons who have made decisions for Christ within the walls of these buildings.  The vision that once tugged at the hearts of those first members has been passed on to those of us who form its present  membership.  Today that vision is more clearly focused and more strenuously sought after than ever before.  Let us commit ourselves to always be a visionary people.  Grateful for our heritage and rooted in our history, but firmly striving to outstrip our predecessor in bringing glory and honor to God and in carrying the gospel to the ends of the earth.  For all of these blessings, we must surely say, To God Be The Glory.”

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