Deacon Family Ministry

“Through Love Serve One Another”

The Deacon Family Ministry Plan is designed to minister to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of our church members and their families.  Our goal is to be an extension of our Pastor’s ministry by touching the lives of others in a way that shows Jesus’ love for them.  Each deacon is paired with several families and reaches out to be a trusted resource to them.Our deacons spend time in each deacons meeting praying for the needs of their “families” and rejoicing as God fulfills those needs.

How can your deacon help you?

Although that is a question that only you can answer, here are some of the ways that our deacons want to try to help:

  • Being a good listener.
  • Being a friend and encourager who demonstrates his love for you.
  • Praying for you and with you.
  • Providing support in a time of crisis.
  • Discussing questions about your faith and walk with Christ.
  • Discussing questions about Grandview Baptist Church so you can be informed about any church activities, decisions, or plans that are of special interest to you.
  • Assisting you in finding ways to serve the church.
  • Connecting you to other church members.
  • Rejoicing as you and your family share important achievements.

Hopefully, you have already been contacted by your deacon and are developing a strong relationship with him.  If you have questions about this ministry or are unsure of who your deacon is, please contact our Church Office, or Jeff Carroll, Deacon Chairman.

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