BCSB Meeting Prayer Time

BCSB meeting prayer time at 4:00 PM. BCSB Meeting at the BCS Central Office at 5:00 PM.

Morning Worship

No matter our circumstances, “ help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:2, NRSV). We gather to worship our loving Creator. Welcome.

Deacons Meeting

Deacons meet after Morning Worship

Winter Bible Study

Winter Bible Study - Ephesians - Who We Are In Christ

TeamKid (PreK – 6th Grade)

PreK through 6th Graders … Be here each Wednesday, @6:30pm for TeamKid!  Invite your friends!  Call the church office if transportation is needed. 

Morning Worship

We gather at the well of worship, where Jesus, our Living Water, quenches our thirst for love, life, hope, peace. Welcome.